Facts about China: Public toilets

In this part of "facts about China" we'll talk about public toilets.......

Chinese toilettes are definitely the state of the art .Unfortunately you will have to learn to deal with them otherwise your trip will be very short. Public toilets are maintained in a very bad way, normally toilet room consists of a hole in the ground or a channel where you do your need. Some toilets have no flushing while, the modern ones are equipped with a bucket of water. You'll find such toilets mainly at the railway stations and remote streets . Normally you won't get toilet paper, that's way a toilet paper is a must in your "luggage" . But things aren't that bad, the situation is getting better every year and most of the hotels are equipped with the "western style of a toilet".

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Facts about China: Funny fact - Spitting

In this part of "facts about China", one funny fact........
When visiting China for the first time, many tourists are shocked of the frequent spitting. Spitting is practiced almost everywhere and Chinese spit very loudly..... In urban cities spitting was successfully reduced in past few years, however at rural areas it is still a national sport. Well the fact is that it is very unpleasant to step in a bus with 60 people, who suddenly feel the desire of spitting at the floor at the same time don't you think?

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Facts about China: 2008 Summer Olympics

Today you'll get even more facts about China. So let's go!

On 13 July 2001 at the 112th IOC Session in Moscow, Beijing was elected as the host City of the XXIX Summer Olympic Games. The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, mark the first time, China will host the biggest sporting spectacle in the world.

The Chinese government has pledged to spend 20 billion dollars for building brand new and state of the art sports complexes and refurbishing the Beijing infrastructure. Organizers are planning to offer more than 7 million tickets and most of the tickets will be inexpensive. With unprecedented economic growth and investment, Beijing is definitely the place to be in 2008.

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Facts about China: Great wall of China

Great Wall of China is definitely one of the biggest achievements of a mankind. It's first segments were built 500 Before Christ. Archaeologists estimate that the Wall once ran 6200 miles and today still remains amazing 3,750 miles.
First works began in 220 Before Christ, when China's first emperor Qin Shihuang, conscripted millions of soldiers and peasants to participate in this dangerous act. Constructions continued over the centuries, with the most impressive portions built in the time of Ming Dynasty in the 14th century. The Great Wall, as you probably know, is one of the few man made structures visible from space and is also under UNESCO world heritage protection.

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Facts about China:China becoming tourist destination superpower

Facts about China presents: China becoming tourist destination superpower
China, attracted 49,6 Millions of tourists in year 2006 and should become the third most popular tourist destination in the whole world in next few years, said the leader of UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Francessco Frangialli.

After China has outrun Italy in the fourth place on the list of the most popular world destinations in 2004, China is now prepared to step on a podium. The predictions are that China should become the third most visited country till December 2008. Three leading world tourist destinations at this moment are France, Spain and United States. But the China is already abide with the USA. United States noted 51,1 million tourist visits last year, while China will probably beat this numbers in next few months. In next few years China will also become the largest starting point for traveling, since the estimations says that some 100 Million of Chinese will travel abroad.

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Facts about China: Basic Facts

Facts about China: Basic Facts
Official name: People's Republic of China
Geographical location: The Far East 71º O - 135º O/18º N - 53º N
Historical Year of the foundation: -221
Inhabitants: 1.313.973.713 inhabitants (2006)
Capital city: Peking [ Beijing ]116º 25' O 39º 55' N
Largest city: Chongqing (15.600.000 inhabitants)
Official language: Chinese
Code: CN, CHN, www.*.cn

Flag since: 01.10.1949
The star is an indication of communism, the four small stars indicates the four layers of the Chinese people.

Text in Hanyu PinyinQilai:
Buyuan zuo nuli de renmen,Ba women de xierou zhucheng women xin de changcheng.Zhonghua Minzu dao liao zui weixian de shihou,Meigeren beipo zhe fachu zuihou de housheng.Qilai! Qilai! Qilai!Women wanzhong yixin,Mao zhe diren de paohuo, Qianjin!Mao zhe diren de paohuo, Qianjin!Qianjin! Qianjin! Jin!

English translation:
Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves!Let us amount our flesh and blood towards our new Great Wall! The Chinese nation faces its greatest peril,the thundering roar of our peoples will be heard! Arise! Arise! Arise! We are many, but our hearts beat as one! Selflessly braving the enemy's gunfire, march on! Selflessly braving the enemy's gunfire, march on! March on! March on! March on! on!

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Facts about China presents POPULATION STRUCTURE of China

Population structure
Inhabitants: 1.313.973.713 (2006)
0-14 years:20,8%
of it male: 145.461.833
of it female: 128.445.739

15-64 years: 71,4%
of it male: 482.439.115
of it female: 455.960.489

over 65 years: 7,7%
of it male: 48.562.635
of it female: 53.103.902

Average age: 32.7 years
of it male: 32.3 years
of it female: 33.2 years

Population growth:
0,59% (2006)

Birth rate:
13.25 born/1.000 inhabitants (2006)
Mortality rate:
6,97/1,000 inhabitants (2006)
Births ever 1000 Einw.
Children for each woman: 1,73
Child number of deaths: 23.12 deaths/1.000 births
Boys: 20.6 deaths/1.000 births
Girls: 25.94 deaths/1.000 births (2006)

Average life expectancy: 72.58 years
Men: 70.89 years
Women: 74.46 years

Education degree (2002)
15 years old and older can read and write:
90,9% Men
95,1% Women

Ethnical groups
Chinese 92.0 %, other 8.0 %

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Facts about China

Here you'll find all the facts about China


GROS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (gross domestic product)
$ 8.859 trillion (2005)
GROS DOMESTIC PRODUCT - real growth rate
$ 5.600
Agriculture: 13,8%
Industry and building industry: 52,9%
Service: 33,3%
Occupation: 760,8 million
After occupation:
Agriculture 49%; Industry 22%; Service 29%
Yearly income per inhabitant: 820 $ (US)
Unemployment ratio: 9,8% within city ranges; substantial unemployment and underemployment in rural areas; an official Chinese magazine estimated 2003 general unemployment on 20%
Population below poverty border: 10%
Inflation rate: 4,1%

Incomes: $ 317.9 billion;Expenditures: $ 348.9 billion including capital expenditures
Agricultural products: Rice, wheat, potatoes, grain, peanuts, dte, millet, barley, apples, cotton, oil seed, pork, fish
Cultivatabilaty of the country: 15,4%
other land use: 83,35%
watered teritory:525.800 sq/km
Natural reserves:Coal, iron, petroleum, natural gas, mercury, tin, tungsten, antimony, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, magnet iron stone, aluminum, zinc, uranium, Electricity
Production of energy: 2,19 trillion a KW/H
Consumption 2,17 trillion a KW/H
Exports: 10,6 billion KW/H
Imported:1,546 billion KW/H
Mining industry, iron, steel, aluminum and other metals, coal, mechanical engineering, weapons, textiles, petroleum, cement, chemicals, consumer products including footwear, toys and electronics, food processing; Transportation equipment, including the automobile supply, locomotives, ships and airplanes.
Industrial production growth rate: 27,7%
Exports: $ 752.2 billion f.o.b (freely on board)
Export partner: USA 21.1%, Hong Kong 17%, Japan 12.4%, South Korea 4.7%, Germany 4%
Import: $ 631.8 billion f.o.b. (freely on board)
Import partners: Japan 16.8%, Taiwan 11.4%, South Korea 11.1%, USA 8%, Germany 5,4%
Current account conditions: $ 129.1 billion
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold: $ 795.1 billion
Debts: $ 242 billion

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