Facts about China: Basic Facts

Facts about China: Basic Facts
Official name: People's Republic of China
Geographical location: The Far East 71º O - 135º O/18º N - 53º N
Historical Year of the foundation: -221
Inhabitants: 1.313.973.713 inhabitants (2006)
Capital city: Peking [ Beijing ]116º 25' O 39º 55' N
Largest city: Chongqing (15.600.000 inhabitants)
Official language: Chinese
Code: CN, CHN, www.*.cn

Flag since: 01.10.1949
The star is an indication of communism, the four small stars indicates the four layers of the Chinese people.

Text in Hanyu PinyinQilai:
Buyuan zuo nuli de renmen,Ba women de xierou zhucheng women xin de changcheng.Zhonghua Minzu dao liao zui weixian de shihou,Meigeren beipo zhe fachu zuihou de housheng.Qilai! Qilai! Qilai!Women wanzhong yixin,Mao zhe diren de paohuo, Qianjin!Mao zhe diren de paohuo, Qianjin!Qianjin! Qianjin! Jin!

English translation:
Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves!Let us amount our flesh and blood towards our new Great Wall! The Chinese nation faces its greatest peril,the thundering roar of our peoples will be heard! Arise! Arise! Arise! We are many, but our hearts beat as one! Selflessly braving the enemy's gunfire, march on! Selflessly braving the enemy's gunfire, march on! March on! March on! March on! on!

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